Writing allows me to weave my experiences and imagination together into stories and share them with readers. As I explore what ‘the next chapter’ means, we can root for and empathize with what my characters are going through.

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You will receive chapters of my books as soon as they are ready. I’m aiming for two chapters a month, but you never know. Since I’m “almost retired,” my schedule is pretty loose. 

I will also share experiences and my process of writing as well as thoughts I have for future stories. 

I’d love your comments and questions. 

My Life’s Chapters

Empowering Growth: From Award-Winning Business to Published Author

From an early age, I was captivated by the idea of owning my own business, starting with dreams of running a hardware store at just five years old.

That dream had to wait.

I won’t bore you with the details but in summary, I climbed the career ladder starting as a poll director in a nonprofit organization and 19 years later, ended my professional ‘begging for money’ work. 

Along the way, I discovered the power of empowering women. This journey, along with earning a Master’s Degree in Organization Development and Management, shaped my leadership style and philosophy.

My business dream finally came to life when I built my first company from a mere seed of an idea into an award-winning business, generating half a million dollars in sales.

I have spent decades cultivating beauty in challenging climates. With a passion for helping people succeed, I share my knowledge through engaging gardening classes, two comprehensive nonfiction books, and an active blog. As the founder of the thriving *Getting Potted in the Desert* Facebook group, I touch a community of over 5,000 gardening enthusiasts.

My expertise spans a wide range of desert-hardy flowers and perennials, with a particular focus on innovative container gardening techniques. My practical advice and creative solutions have transformed countless barren patios into lush, colorful oases.

In addition to my business ventures, I self-published two nonfiction books on desert container gardening: Getting Potted in the Desert and the creative nonfiction story Riley’s Garden Oasis. These works reflect my desire to leave a legacy of specific techniques for struggling desert gardeners.

I had long believed the gardening business would be my forever, but life had other plans. I sold the company 15 years later as new doors and opportunities opened. With 25 years in the nonprofit sector and over 20 years of building and running a business, I channeled my passion to coach entrepreneurs to launch and operate their ventures.

Following my Passion for Writing

In recent years, I have embarked on a new adventure in storytelling, blending my horticultural knowledge with my own experiences as I transition into my retirement era with fiction.

My upcoming novel, Whispers of Echo Canyon, marks the beginning of the Women of the Canyon series, which weaves themes of gardening, friendship, and women figuring out the next chapter in their lives.

With no rigid schedules and driven solely by the desire to create, I am embracing this new chapter of my life. This also includes travel with my partner of 30+ years, golf, swimming, reading and jigsaw puzzles! 

Subscribe to Women, Fiction and What Comes Next

Stories of friendship, growth and transformation, exploring women's journeys navigating new beginnings, and discovering what comes next.


Multi-Passionate Educator and Author📚 💫 Through fiction, I strive to inspire women rediscovering themselves in life’s later chapters.